
What is Loneliness? By Rebecca Eisenburg | Book review

Genre: Children’s fictionAge group: 3 - 7 yearsPages: 31My Rating: 4.8/5🌟Available in Ebook And paperback. Loneliness is a complex emotion and kids often struggle to talk about this with adults. In the book “What is loneliness?“, Rebecca Eisenberg tackles the theme of loneliness with sensitivity, providing children with valuable insights on how to cope with… Continue reading What is Loneliness? By Rebecca Eisenburg | Book review


Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis | Book review

I have been reading this book since December and to be honest I took it slow on purpose. I kept coming back to this book inspite my day to day challenges because it just felt so timely. This classic book by C.S. Lewis was originally part of a series of BBC broadcasts given by him… Continue reading Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis | Book review


All of Grace by Charles Spurgeon | Audiobook review

Hey there, hope your week has been well. I’m back at book reading again and my first review for this year is this lovely book by Charles H Spurgeon. “Grace is a gift to all mankind.” In this 19th century classic book “All of grace” by Charles H Spurgeon we are reminded of the Grace… Continue reading All of Grace by Charles Spurgeon | Audiobook review


The Christmas Orphans Club by Becca Freeman | Book Review

Publisher: Penguin Books Pages: 384 My rating : 3/5 ✨ Hey there, hope your having a good week. Here’s a book I read recently. I was intrigued by the title and synopsis given for the book. Will share the overview of the book in a bit (as given on goodreads) but before that would share… Continue reading The Christmas Orphans Club by Becca Freeman | Book Review


A Beautiful morning…

What do you do when your life seems moving slow while that of others seems to be moving at a great pace? When you search for the stars at night but find none. When wishing and hoping have become your greatest companions. Well... you do Nothing! But rise up each day, smile back right at… Continue reading A Beautiful morning…


The beauty of who you really are!!!

There have always been moments in an individuals life where they have felt the need to be someone else… Honestly speaking I have been there too. You strive hard to be that man or women who is doing exceedingly well in life, or maybe you just want to look great like a certain individual. You… Continue reading The beauty of who you really are!!!