Books · Lifestyle

Think Straight by Darius Foroux | Book Review

As a man thinks, so shall he be. This age old quote is an ongoing topic of discussion and debate with many philosophers around the world. But how is it possible to change your life by simply changing the way you think? “Think Straight” by Darius Foroux is a quick read with short chapters that… Continue reading Think Straight by Darius Foroux | Book Review

Books · Lifestyle

Why I Read and why should you?

The first book I ever read was when I was a kid in 4th grade maybe. It was a book on the Cinderella story which was gifted to me by my uncle and aunty with my name mentioned in the story book as one of the characters. I was so excited when I got the… Continue reading Why I Read and why should you?


Life lately..

Has in many ways been a season of learning to walk through the valleys instead of walking away from them. It’s been to be lead than to lead. It’s been to rest than to quit. It’s been learning to walk into new places without fear, knowing that I have everything I need to sustain me.… Continue reading Life lately..