Books · Lifestyle

Atomic Habits by James Clear | Book review

Some books are simply not meant to be read once and kept aside. Some are more than books. They are life hacks, life lessons and life manuals. “Atomic habits” is one such book that can be used as a good-habit forming/bad-habit breaking manual. I know I shouldn’t be using the word hack, but it’s a… Continue reading Atomic Habits by James Clear | Book review


5 Simple & Easy self-care routine ideas

I’m sure you’ve come across several articles about self-care on the Internet and I don’t intend to bore you with another long post. But stick with me for just a few minutes and you’ll know why I chose to write about this. “Self- care” as the name clearly suggests is anything you do to take… Continue reading 5 Simple & Easy self-care routine ideas


Rhythm of Life

You might have heard the word “Rhythm” if you’ve sung in a choir or attended music class at school. A rhythm gives a structure to a music composition. Without the beats, the combination of whole notes, half notes, time signature, tempo, etc in a song, the musicians and singers wouldn’t be in sync. That’s how… Continue reading Rhythm of Life