
What is Loneliness? By Rebecca Eisenburg | Book review

Genre: Children’s fiction
Age group: 3 – 7 years
Pages: 31
My Rating: 4.8/5🌟
Available in Ebook And paperback.

Loneliness is a complex emotion and kids often struggle to talk about this with adults. In the book “What is loneliness?“, Rebecca Eisenberg tackles the theme of loneliness with sensitivity, providing children with valuable insights on how to cope with this feeling in the best possible way. Through relatable characters and engaging storytelling, the book delivers a powerful message about connection, resilience and empathy. This book not only educates its readers but also sparks important conversations about relationships and emotions. Overall this book is a delightful read for young readers.

Thank you to @lovebooktours and the author @lifeskills_2_learn for this gifted e-book.


“What is Loneliness?” is a poignant and beautifully illustrated children’s picture book that explores the complex emotion of loneliness in a way that is relatable and reassuring for young readers. Through thoughtful storytelling and captivating visuals, this book takes children on a journey to understand, embrace, and find ways to alleviate loneliness.

“What is Loneliness?” is not just a story; it’s a valuable tool for parents, caregivers, and educators to initiate conversations about emotions and mental well-being. The book provides a comforting and empowering message, assuring young readers that it’s okay to feel lonely at times and that there are ways to navigate and overcome those feelings.

This picture book is an essential addition to every child’s library, offering a reassuring and uplifting exploration of a universal emotion and the profound connections that can arise from understanding it.

Author bio 

Rebecca Eisenberg, MS, CCC-SLP is a certified speech language pathologist, author, instructor and parent of two children. She has been practicing in the field of speech language pathology since 2001 and works with both children and adults with complex communication needs in a variety of settings. Rebecca graduated with her Masters in Science from Teachers College, Columbia University in 2001. She specializes in the field of augmentative and alternative communication and is currently on the tech team at WIHD in Valhalla, NY.

She has multiple games and a workbook published by Super Duper Publications. She is also co-author of a children’s book titled, The Monkey Balloon and the sequel, A Tale of The Monkey Balloon. Her picture book, My Second Year of Kindergarten was released April 4th, 2018. Her two most recent publications are titled All About Core and All About Feelings. These books were specifically published for children with complex communication needs that are working on building literacy and vocabulary skills.

Rebecca has always loved and treasured children’s books, specifically those that embed a meaningful lesson in the story. Her passion lies in finding those moments to connect with children through storytelling. Rebecca began her blog https://www.languageduringmealtime to create a resource for parents to help make mealtime an enriched learning experience with children’s literature. She also began her podcast Language During Mealtime to help educate both parents and educators on facilitating language during read alouds

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